How Often Should You Have Your System Serviced?

Most homeowners know to check their HVAC filters on a monthly basis and that it’s a good idea to have their system serviced annually. But what about your commercial HVAC system? It also needs regular attention if you want it to continue running at peak efficiency.

Several factors can affect how often you schedule commercial maintenance, but getting a checkup twice a year is a good place to start. The best time for maintenance is generally during the spring and fall to prepare your system for summer and winter months when temperature extremes cause the heaviest usage. However, older units or those that experience heavy strain may need more frequent checkups.

In addition to scheduling comprehensive professional commercial maintenance twice a year, you should also have air filters replaced once a month.

Other maintenance, including cleaning air ducts, should be completed every three to five years. How do you know when this needs to be done? There are a few clues you can look for:

Buildup in Ductwork

You may not know there is a significant buildup of dirt and debris inside ductwork unless you actually open a vent and take a look. This is where regularly scheduled maintenance by a professional can keep you well informed. 

Workers are Complaining

If your employees are coming to you with complaints about respiratory issues, allergies or other health problems, dirty air ducts might be the culprit. Rather than ignoring these concerns, look at whether it may be time to clean your commercial air ducts.

The buildup of dirt and allergens has a measurable affect on air quality. People with a history of allergies or asthma will likely be the first to notice. Take their concerns seriously, as poor indoor air quality can be costly to your employees and your business. More on this later. 

Maintaining Higher-Than-Average Cleaning Standards

Some companies, like those that produce pharmaceuticals or high-tech products, need to clean their air ducts more frequently. HEPA filters and other specialized equipment and also be employed to ensure that air remains ultra clean.

Planning for HVAC Maintenance

You may wonder what the maintenance of your commercial HVAC system will entail and how disruptive it could be to your business operations. 

First, your technician will conduct a thorough checkup of your system to look for worn belts, faulty components and other factors that may reduce performance. Then, they will replace parts and conduct repairs, as necessary. Commercial maintenance appointments may also involve cleaning the system’s interior. In addition, technicians can evaluate your energy use habits and suggest any improvements.

Depending on where ducts are in your building, the work may need to be take place around a particular operational schedule. It may be necessary to phase relocation of some operations in order to service your commercial HVAC system while maintaining key business processes.

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

According to the EPA, Americans spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors. It may be surprising to learn that concentrations of some pollutants are 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors. These include pollutants from synthetic building materials, furnishings, personal care products, pesticides and cleaning products. Indoor air can also contain allergens like dust, pet dander and mold. Humidity can lead to higher dust mite levels.

Ironically, indoor air quality has declined in recent years due to energy-efficient building construction that lacks sufficient mechanical ventilation to ensure adequate air exchange.

Something called “sick building syndrome” occurs when building occupants experience similar symptoms after entering a building, with symptoms diminishing or disappearing after they leave the building. This phenomenon is giving rise to new approaches to commercial building maintenance, with a greater emphasis on strategies for reducing harmful emissions and improving cleaning protocols. HVAC maintenance is an important part of any healthy indoor air quality plan.

The EPA says that research is also underway regarding the relationship between indoor air quality and issues not traditionally thought of as related to health, such as student performance in the classroom and productivity in occupational settings.

The Takeaway

While maintaining your commercial HVAC system may feel like an unwanted expense, the cost of ignoring it can be far greater. Maintenance improves your HVAC efficiency, thereby reducing utility costs, mitigating future repairs and extending the system’s lifespan. Further, regular commercial HVAC maintenance ensures that your system will provide a comfortable and healthy working environment for your employees.

An industry leader in California and Nevada since 2015, 20/20 Plumbing & Heating, Inc. delivers reliable, state-of-the-art service to commercial clients. With skilled tradespeople who have the training and resources to meet your most challenging plumbing and HVAC needs on-time and in-budget, 20/20 provides uncompromising service backed by its award-winning customer support. Contact 20/20 Plumbing & Heating to schedule your commercial HVAC service at: (844) 676-2020!